Saturday, September 18, 2010

Complex Arguments for Analysis

My neighbor should be forced to get rid of all the cars in his yard. 5  People do not like living next door to such a mess. 1  He never drives any of them. 2 They all look old and beat up and leak oil all over the place. 3 It is bad for the neighborhood, and it will decrease property values. 4

Argument?  Yes

Conclusion:  The neighbor should get rid of all the cars in his yard.

Additional premises needed?  If the neighbor's yard is a mess because of too many cars that he doesn't drive, and they look old and beat up, that will decrease property values.

Identify any subargument:  1, 3, 4 are independent and support 5.  2 is subjective.

Good argument? Yes

This was a good exercise,  but I still need help in analyzing arguments.  In order to test the argument I will use because between two claims.  People do not like living next door to such a mess, because it will decrease property values. That wasn't too bad.  I will continue to do some more problems, until I get the hang of it.

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