Saturday, September 4, 2010

Communication apprehension

Communication apprehension is the inability of someone to speak in a group because of anxiety or fear.  I can totally relate to this.  I have found myself wanting to say something in a group setting, but because of fear I didn't.  I felt like a heel afterward.  The author states that "about 20 percent of the population is highly apprehensive about communication."  I wouldn't be surprised if the percentage was much higher.  

At work I am able give wound care presentations to nurses during skills day.  I stand in front of a group of people and  I don't have a problem with that.  I am considered the expert in wound care.  Unfortunately, when it comes to small group settings, I clam up because of apprehension.  I feel as though I am going to make a fool out of myself. 

Prior to going into a group meeting try to relax (using breathing techniques), remember it's all in your head, and prepare as much as you can.  

The solution to this problem is easy, one should talk in a group setting as often as possible:)

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